Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grades are in

Your exam 3 scores and final averages are now posted to eLearning. Your exam 2 scores have also been updated to reflect any gains from the extra credit problem. Exam 3 went very well, with a class average of nearly 90%, meaning there was no scaling.

Your final averages have taken into account dropping your lowest quiz, HW, and lab scores. Recall that exams are worth 20% each, HW is 20%, and labs and quizzes are worth 10% each.

Let me know if you see anything still missing or incorrect, or have questions about how your grades worked out. Just to head off a common question: I know some of you will find yourselves very close to a grade boundary, but at this point I can't really offer any additional extra credit. I will very carefully check borderline cases though.

Your final letter grades are also posted on myBama now.

UPDATE - your exam 2 score will only change if your extra credit score is higher than your lowest non-dropped question on exam 2, since the extra credit question replaces the lowest-non dropped question if it is higher. Thus, if your lowest non-dropped question on exam 2 was 7/10 and you got 7/10 on the extra credit, your exam score does not change.

Friday, August 3, 2012

More grade updates

UPDATE: I have added HW5 grades, and made a few corrections as you've notified me of missing grades (some of which I am still tracking down). The only thing missing now should be exam 3 and the exam 2 bonus ... all labs, quizzes, and HW should be there. If you notice anything missing let me know as soon as you can, and I'll track it down one way or another. Should have exam 3 grades and a final overall average posted by Sunday night I expect.


Grades for everything except HW5, the bonus for Exam 2, and Exam 3 should now be on eLearning. Once Exam 3 is graded, I will post a final average as well. Recall that I will drop 1 quiz, 1 HW, and 1 lab.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Grade updates

A few more things on eLearning. The grades that are not ready yet (and hence do not show up on eLearning) are:

HW4, HW5
Q5, Q7
L6, L9

I expect most of those things to show up some time tomorrow. Final grades will be ready by Sun-Mon I hope.

All quizzes now have solutions

at least the ones from this summer, that is.

Summer 2009 final

the relevant problems (and a couple more) have solutions.

Final time & location

The final is tomorrow morning at 8am in room 203, i.e., the lecture hall.

Spring 2008 final

The questions relevant for tomorrow's exam now have answers, and some of them solutions.