Friday, July 13, 2012

Homework 2 solutions

are here. I'll add Quiz 2 & 3 solutions tonight or this weekend.


Anonymous said...

what should we be studying to prepare for the exam? i want to get started this weekend and i'm not sure where to start

Anonymous said...

He said to study the prior homework and old exams and we should be good to go. Like, if we can do most of the old homework problems and all of the questions on the summer 2010 exam then we can get at least a B on the exam.

pleclair said...

Commenter #2 is right on the mark. Here's what I sent a student by email earlier ...

I think the best thing to do is first make sure you can do all the HW problems from this semester, and then study the HW and exams from previous semesters. The questions I've asked on tests in the past are likely to be similar to what I'll ask this time around. The test will also be only problems, so it is important that you work some problems for practice to get the hang of it. Reading the solutions is one thing, but sitting down and doing some example problems from previous semesters to see that you can get the right answer is really the best way. It will start to make more sense once you've seen a few more problems.

I guess a lot of people also forget to just read the text (either the textbook or my notes), sometimes problems aren't making sense and you don't quite see how to do them just because you're missing one key concept or explanation. Probably you did that already, but if you find that certain types of problems are giving you trouble (say, electric fields), go back and re-read that section of the book or notes. If you read one and it still doesn't quite make sense, try reading the other - some places where my notes might not make sense to you, the book might (and vice versa).

I'll give some more details on how the exam will work tomorrow. You'll get a formula sheet, so don't worry about memorizing things.