Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Extra credit

Here is your chance for more points. A short paper will replace your lowest non-dropped quiz, HW, or lab. If you missed more than the allotted number of labs/HW/quizzes, for instances, this is kind of a big deal. You can replace a zero grade, and that can help a lot.

If you already have an "A" going in to the final, i.e., >=90% overall grade, I'm not going to read your extra credit submission. Extra credit, in my opinion, is meant to help people that could use a little boost, and may be on the borderline between grades. It is not an insurance policy for keeping your A going in to the final. If you already have an "A" you are better off studying for the final, rather than writing me a paper.

I suppose that isn't really fair, in some sense. In another more real sense, I shouldn't offer any extra credit at all, so take it when you can get it :-) It costs me a good amount of time to offer this, so I only want to entertain it for those who really need it.


Anonymous said...

So since I have (with all the new grades but without the unposted hw grades) an 89.9ish (it rounds up) what do you think i should do? I'm leaning towards just studying because I most def. need to do that, but just in your opinion...

pleclair said...

You're probably better off studying. The gain you'll get from extra studying is almost certain to be worth more than the extra credit paper when you already have an 89.9ish.

I would probably round 89.9 up anyway.