Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Grades updated

UPDATE - lab grades were uploaded incorrectly. Should be fixed shortly.

HW6 grades are up, which means HW7 is the only one outstanding. One HW is dropped, Moodle takes this into account.
Quiz 8 grades are not up yet, but the rest are. One quiz is dropped, and Moodle takes this into account.

Lab grades are up now. Two labs are dropped, and this is accounted for in the Moodle average. Here are the labs I have grades for right now:

  • Lab 1 = paper
  • Lab 2 = errors (I don't have these grades for some of you from the TAs yet)
  • Lab 3 = electric field applets
  • Lab 4 = capacitors
  • Lab 5 = equipotential lines
  • Lab 6 = simple circuits / bulbs
  • Lab 7 = resistors
  • Lab 8 = RC circuits
Remember, Labs, HW, and Quizzes are 15% each of you total grade, and Exams 1 and 2 are worth 15% of your grade each. Moodle's course total should take this into account properly.

Other than a couple of labs, HW7, and Quiz 8, please check to make sure that your grades seem to be correct. It doesn't happen often, but I do make mistakes. Sometimes it is a typo, sometimes I put a HW set in the wrong pile of papers and it doesn't get graded with the rest. If you're missing a grade you are sure you should have, or the number doesn't seem right, don't hesitate to ask me about it. That's the whole reason for online grades, greater transparency, so you can see what's going on with no surprises. (Of course, that being said, it is hard to keep up with the pace during the summer, so the feedback is not exactly instantaneous.)


Anonymous said...

Dr. LeClair,

If I am not mistaken, we also did a lab (the second one we did, I believe) on error analysis/standard deviation..which was given back to us. However, it matches the grade for lab one (paper) which we did NOT receive back. Is this lab not part of our grade?

Anonymous said...

Dr. LeClair,
I just wanted to verify that one quiz grade would be dropped. When we took quiz 3 which was all over the map as you said. You said there would be 3 possibilities which include: let it go, do some extra work like an essay, or drop 2 quiz grades instead. You said the last one would be most likely so I just wanted to know if you decided on that extra credit paper instead?

Chris Baker said...

Who is Jebidiah Q. Dingus and what does the initial "Q" stand for (other than the obvious "his middle name" reply)?

pleclair said...

Your bonus points from the assessment test will go towards quiz 3. The mathematical details will be posted later, but if you improve your score at all, you'll get some extra points. A larger improvement gives more points.

Jebidiah Q. Dingus is just a name that sounded funny, I think I heard it in a Simpsons episode. The Q is actually silent, and doesn't stand for anything.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. LeClair,
You said that moodle takes into account the one quiz and homework drop grade. I checked my grades online, and my lowest homework and quiz grade still is on it. Are you sure moodle drops the lowest grades automatically?

pleclair said...

I guess I was a little bit imprecise, what I mean is this:

Moodle shows all your grades within each category, but the category total is the average after taking into account the dropped grade. So, you'll see a grade for every individual item showing up, but the average will not include the lowest score.

(I just checked that for a couple of students, and it seems to be correct.)

If you calculate the average yourself by not counting the lowest score, it should agree with Moodle's category total.