In today's class we will investigate charge distributions and electric forces using online simulation "applets." You can find the applet here.
The password and username to access these applets will be given in class.
Today's lab is also paperless - all instructions are given below (or in class), your lab report will be electronic-only and turned in by email.
Exercise I
1. Open up "Exploration 22.2: Explore the Effect of Multiple Charges."
2. Following the on-screen instructions.
3. Follow the procedures and answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Type your responses into, e.g., Word or Notepad as you are doing this, your lab report will be entirely electronic. Be sure to include all group member's names at the top of this document. Use any program you wish, so long as you are able to include images (see below).
4. When you have finished question "g", take a screen shot (snapshot, picture) of your configuration (hint: four charges works well). Instructions on how to do this are below. Put this screen shot into your lab report document. If you use Microsoft Word, this is easily accomplished, ask if you are unsure.
5. Finish all the questions for this exercise. Your lab report document should contain all of your answers, clearly marked by exercise and question number, all group member's names, and your screen shot.
6. Keep your document open for the second exercise ...
Exercise II
After you have finished the first exercise:
1. Go back to the table of contents (the link above).
2. Open up "Exploration 22.6: Run Coulomb's Gauntlet."
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
4. Follow the procedures and answer the two questions at the bottom of the page. Finding a working configuration of charges is difficult, but it can be done with only three additional charges, if you think carefully before you start.
5. Record these responses in the same document as Exercise I above.
6. When you have finished question "g", take a screen shot of your best configuration. You will not be penalized if you could not find a working solution, only if you do not try.
Finishing Up
1. Your lab report document should contain clearly marked, well-reasoned, and (reasonably) grammatically correct responses to all of the questions for both exercies.
2. Your lab report should include 2 screenshots of charge configurations, which should be embedded within your electronic lab report.
3. All group members' names should be included at the top of the document.
4. When you are satisfied with your report, email the resulting document to Dr. LeClair. Pkease include `PH102' in the subject somewhere.