Lab for Thursday (18 Oct 07)
Here you go. Ac circuits and filters.
Basically, this is the stuff that makes your stereo work. Though the lab is couched in terms of the phase-shifted response in RC circuits, what we will really make is a low-pass filter, which is useful for separating the audio signals that should be sent to a woofer. A high-pass filter is what sends the signal to the tweeter. Hopefully, those last sentences will make sense by the end of Tuesday!
Also, by the end of Tuesday, you will see how a bunch of high-pass and low-pass filters together make an audio crossover, or equalizer.
So, if physics hasn't seemed useful yet, by the end of this week it will at least explain how your stereo works. This lab goes to eleven.
I'm feeling generous. Three bonus homework points for the first person to leave a comment identifying the movie referenced in the above post. Just leave your name and the name of the appropriate movie in a comment to this post ...