Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Final Grades are on Moodle

Check it out. This includes *everything* - homework 4, the extra credit, etc.

Your "Course Total" in Moodle may not quite match the "Final Grade" column, as this does not include the extra credit. The "FINAL GRADE" column is what you should pay attention to.

The official grades will be posted tomorrow some time on MyBama ... consider these unofficial, until I double & triple check the gradebook tomorrow morning. I don't expect anything to change, but fair warning and all ...

Lastly, the +/- breakdown is like this:

A+ >= 97.5
A 92.6-97.4
A- 90-92.5
B+ 87.5-89
B 82.6-87.4

And so forth. I always round up, by the way - so a final grade of 89.1 gets rounded up to a 90 for an A-, not a B+. Similarly, an 87.44 gets rounded up to 87.5 for a B+, rather than a B.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Finals are graded

Well. The final exam grading is done.

The multiple choice average was 73.3% (std. dev 9.5%), and the average on the problems was 85% (st. dev 12.5%). That gives a raw weighted average (problems counted 25%, multiple choice 75%) of 76% (st. dev 8.5%).

The multiple choice average was a bit low, so I scaled all scores upward by 6.7 points, for a new average of 80% on the multiple choice section, and a new overall average of 81% (std. dev. 8.5%). That gave the following distribution:

Overall, there were 6 A's, 20 B's, 14 C's, and 5 D's - no one failed. You can see it broken down by question for both sections here:

Clearly, a few of the multiple choice questions were much harder than the others. For the record, only one of them came from the MIT Open Courseware. It is also clear that you chose to solve the problems that you had seen before, largely, which was of course quite clever ;-)

You should be able to log onto Moodle now and see your final exam score. Final grades will have to wait until I'm finished with HW4 and the extra credit assignments, probably some time tonight. I will post here when that is done. For now, the "course total" grade listed includes the final exam, but does *not* include HW4 or the extra credit.

For now, relax: the final went well, and no one failed.