Final Grades are on Moodle
Check it out. This includes *everything* - homework 4, the extra credit, etc.
Your "Course Total" in Moodle may not quite match the "Final Grade" column, as this does not include the extra credit. The "FINAL GRADE" column is what you should pay attention to.
The official grades will be posted tomorrow some time on MyBama ... consider these unofficial, until I double & triple check the gradebook tomorrow morning. I don't expect anything to change, but fair warning and all ...
Lastly, the +/- breakdown is like this:
A+ >= 97.5
A 92.6-97.4
A- 90-92.5
B+ 87.5-89
B 82.6-87.4
And so forth. I always round up, by the way - so a final grade of 89.1 gets rounded up to a 90 for an A-, not a B+. Similarly, an 87.44 gets rounded up to 87.5 for a B+, rather than a B.