Thursday, February 22, 2007

Quiz for Friday 23 Jan 2007

There is, in fact, a quiz this Friday. Five questions, multiple choice.

It will cover chapter 19. You would be wise to study magnetic forces and probably the mass spectrometer example in particular.

Lab Procedure 22 Feb 2007

Today's lab will be on inductance and induced EMFs. Here is the procedure.

Several things will be explained in class, so don't worry too much if this doesn't make sense right now. You should also have some time to work on the homework problem if all goes well.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Site traffic this semester

Looking at the traffic on the course blog this evening, it was interesting to see the variation by day of the week. Class periods are obviously Tue-Th:

Most of the site traffic is between 8am-4pm each class day:

This implies to me that 1) most people print the notes just before class (which is fine, just good to know), and 2) the site is accessed frequently during class (no surprise there either).

The geolocation overlays are just neat. Very few *repeat* visitors from odd locations, but a few here and there. Overall, hits from pretty much everywhere. (Note: the size of the dots scales with the number of hits from that location.)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Ch. 19 Lecture Notes

They are not *quite* finished, but should be complete by the end of Monday.

Here you go.

You are not responsible for sections 19.2 and 19.10.