As mentioned today in class, you have an extra credit possibility for the rest of the semester: helping me find errors in the course notes. The course notes are available at the SUPe store, or downloadable (freely) here.
Here are the rules:
- you get 1 homework point for finding a non-technical error
- you get 2 homework points for finding a technical error
- you get 3 homework points for finding a mistake in the solution to a quiz or exam problem contained in the course notes
- you get 5 homework points for providing a unique, usable example problem (with solution) to include in a chapter. the problem cannot be from the textbook or any course work from this semester.
- non-technical errors include typos and formatting mistakes
- technical errors include mistakes in formulas, explanations, or figures.
- you have to be the 1st to find an error
- a maximum of 100 points may be earned (equal to 1 complete homework set)
- the front matter (table of contents, etc) and chapter 1 are excluded
Each homework is 10 questions long and worth 100 points, and there are about 10 in total for the semester. Therefore, if you spot 5 technical errors, this is the same as getting one homework question completely correct, or bringing a single homework grade up by 10%.
The distinction between what constitutes a technical or non-technical error is mine to make, as is whether something is really in error or not in the first place. Errors will be marked in my desk copy of the notes. You must find something not already marked to earn points.
If you propose an example problem, it must have a correct solution, and must be unique -- it cannot simply be taken from another textbook or coursework from this semester. It must be a unique problem of your own design, and you must provide a proposed solution. Figures are not necessary, but suggestions are welcome.
Update: Someone has 19 points already. Better find the easy errors fast!