Well, well, you are more clever than I thought you were :-)
The class average - including the bonus question - was 88.0%, with a standard deviation of 11.7.
Without the bonus question, those numbers are 83.6% and 11.3, respectively. I consider this to be a better measure of how you all did (the bonus question is just free points, basically). Well done, many of you raised your grade significantly. The bonus point, on average, added 2.7 points to your score ... for what basically required you to remember a demo I did in class, or read the notes.
Here are some pretty plots to tide you over until I pass back your individual exams ... tomorrow in class. Click for a larger image.
Some comments: numbers 4 and 8 were not popular, nor were the scores very high. For the former, I blame this on not covering the quantitative aspects of filters enough. For the latter ... it was simply a tricky problem. Number 2 also had a slightly lower average. Much of that was due to not realizing you had to add the field from both wires (HINT for homework), but the problem did involve several different steps.
Sources of some of the problems:
2 - related to examples in the notes, loosely
3 - nearly identical to example in the notes, ch. 7
4 - essentially identical to a HW 8 #2
5 - you hadn't seen an LC filter before ... good work.
6 - related to HW 9 and notes problems
7 - just geometry, nothing more
8 - a question on the first lenses lab ...