Special topics lecture next tuesday
On Tuesday 28 April, we have a "special topics" lecture scheduled. If you can suggest anything - related to the ph102 material, at least tangentially - that you might be interested in hearing about, let me know before the end of the weekend.
If there are several topics I think I can work up on short notice, I'll pick the one I think has the most broad appeal. If no one suggests anything, I will talk about what it is I do.
Other possibilities:
- how does MRI/PET/CAT work?
- how does your iPod work? (related to what I do)
- more bad movie physics
- how do semiconductor devices (transistors/flash/whatever) work?
- length scales, from nuclei to galaxies
- something you think I did a poor job explaining the first time around :-)
And no, it won't be on the final. This one is supposed to be purely curiosity-driven, "for fun."