Friday, January 26, 2007

26 Jan homework hints

Here[PDF] is number 5 all but solved for you.

UPDATE 5:51pm: number 8 part b is also mostly solved in the link above.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Quiz for Friday 26 Jan 2007

FYI: there will be a quiz this friday, 5 multiple choice questions. Closed book.

The questions will be restricted to material from Chapter 17, sections 1-4, the subject of today's lecture.

UPDATE: the quiz and solution can be found here. Note the new "quizzes" link on the right sidebar.

Ch. 17 Lecture Notes

Partial lecture notes for Chapter 17 are available:

Chapter 17 alone [PDF]

Thusfar, notes for only about half of the chapter are complete. YMMV.

Lab procedure 25 Jan 2007

This lab procedure has two parts, since you are being introduced to some new hardware and software.

Lab introduction, hardware, and software: Read Me First

This document will explain all of the hardware, software, and components you need. You will not get far without it.

Lab procedure: Read Me Second

This document walks you through the lab procedure.

In this lab, you will explore the relationship between current and voltage for three types of devices: a resistor, a capacitor, and a light-emitting diode. This will introduce you not only to basic electronic components, but also the data acquisition software and hardware you will be using in the future.

Finally, the hardware and software for this laboratory, and several more, have been developed here at UA. This is the first semester they will be used in a class. Development and refinement is ongoing, so your (anonymous) feedback will be appreciated and valuable. Leaving anonymous comments on this blog is one possibility.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lab procedure 23 Jan 2007

A preliminary version of the lab procedure for today can be found

here [PDF]

Read the lab before class if you have time, but there is no need to print it. This lab has recently been modified and may be altered just before class.

Ch. 16 Lecture Notes

A draft of the Ch. 16 lecture notes are now online.

Chapter 16 alone [PDF]

All notes to date [Larger PDF]

Or, follow the link on the right sidebar for the notes listing or cumulative document.