A few more final exam details
The final will have two parts: multiple choice, and problems. The multiple choice section is worth 75% of the exam score, the problems section is worth 25%.
On the multiple choice section, there will be roughly 25 multiple questions, spanning everything up through optics. Roughly half will be qualitative (conceptual), roughly half will require simple calculations.
On the problems section, there will be two sub-sections. In each subsection, there will be 5 problems in total, you can solve any two of them. Thus, you solve a total of four problems out of ten - two from each group. All problems have equal weight, it will not matter which ones you choose. Heavy partial credit will be given, as usual. The sub-sections of problems are not grouped in any logical fashion, the five problems in each section will be a mix of topics.
Your final exam grade will then be calculated according to (exam score) = (multiple choice score)*0.75 + (problems score)*0.25. A certain degree of risk management comes into play here ... do not spend 75% of your time on something worth 25% of the points, and similarly do not spend 5% of your time on something worth 25% of the points. Pace yourself, and watch the time.
You will be given a formula sheet, you are additionally allowed to bring in two sheets of 8.5x11 inch paper, containing any information you like.
The exam will be 8-10:30am on Friday, in 227 Gallalee (the lecture hall). I suspect you will need the entire 2.5 hour period. The exam will be curved, if necessary, to ensure a reasonable class average.
Study your homework sets and exams, as well as the old ph102 exams and quizzes. And get some sleep before hand ... if you have been following things so far, there will be no surprises.
ADDENDUM: if you are allotted extra time for exams through testing services, and would like to exercise this option, we need to talk as soon as possible about scheduling.