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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Exam 3

Chapter 26 (Interference and Diffraction) will not be included in Exam3. Chapter 30, on nuclear physics will also not be covered.

The exam will be open book. Bring your book and any scribbled up piece of paper that you might want.


Anonymous said...

So the only chapters we need to study for the exam are chapters 22,23,24, and 25?

pleclair said...

And 28 & 29, but those two are mostly qualitative - not many formulas or problems that can be worked out.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Leclair, would you mind posting which sections of each chapter we should not worry about reading again? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What would be the best problems to work on? I noticed that there are not many solved previous exam 3's.

pleclair said...

For the sections, see the next top-level post.

The best problems would be old HW and quiz problems - there are not many exam 3's with solutions because no one ever wants to see them I guess. It is the last exam, so having a posted solution really doesn't come up until the next time I teach it ... but if you want answers to any specific questions, I have them.

Besides old HW and quizzes on the most recent material, the latest HW set (very short) should also get you thinking along the right lines. The solved examples in the book are good too, exam problems will be similar, and it is open book ...