Grades are in
Your final averages have taken into account dropping your lowest quiz, HW, and lab scores. Recall that exams are worth 20% each, HW is 20%, and labs and quizzes are worth 10% each.
Let me know if you see anything still missing or incorrect, or have questions about how your grades worked out. Just to head off a common question: I know some of you will find yourselves very close to a grade boundary, but at this point I can't really offer any additional extra credit. I will very carefully check borderline cases though.
Your final letter grades are also posted on myBama now.
UPDATE - your exam 2 score will only change if your extra credit score is higher than your lowest non-dropped question on exam 2, since the extra credit question replaces the lowest-non dropped question if it is higher. Thus, if your lowest non-dropped question on exam 2 was 7/10 and you got 7/10 on the extra credit, your exam score does not change.
Thank you! Will you be in your office tomorrow?
I can be. I have to be in Birmingham for most of the morning tomorrow (Tues), and was planning to run errands in the afternoon now that I have a little break ...
I may be able to meet up for a while in the afternoon if you email me with a suggested time. Same goes for later in the week - I'll be in and out sporadically, but can meet up if you suggest a time.
I was checking my grades and noticed that my exam 2 grade hasn' changed and I turned in the extra credit. Just wondering??
Laura Paige Maddox
Laura - your extra credit was 0.5 higher than your lowest non-dropped question on exam 2, which brought your exam 2 score up by 1 point.
You are a great teacher Dr. Leclair! I'm glad I took your class
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