Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Exam scaling

Long story short, just taking the total points on the last exam and grading it out of 100 instead of 120 is not really fair to those who only did 5 problems (like the instructions said). Doing it any other way makes it unfair to some other groups of students.

So here's the deal. If you did only 5 problems on the exam, during Thursday's lab you can solve one more problem to add to your test. No down side here. Exactly the same rules as the exam, except you don't have a choice of problems.

If you did 6 problems, but got only 1-5 points on one problem (i.e., the token partial credit for writing down *something*), I'll let you take the makeup problem on Thursday to replace the problem you only got token points on.

If you did 6 problems, but still feel your score could be better, then you should make a specific appeal ... I might be willing to let you replace one of your problems, and I might not, depending on the situation. Probably not if you're just aiming for that A+. Probably so if you are worried about failing. So it goes. One can't be completely fair in all things, but we'll do the best we can.


Anonymous said...

When will the extra problem be graded for the people who only did five problems?

pleclair said...

Probably not until tuesday.