Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer 08 final exam

has a partial solution up. All the optics problems have answers at least. 


Anonymous said...

Spring 08 HW is really in depth and seems harder than any of the old test or other HW and the text book . . IS our test going to be on the level of Spring 08 HW?

pleclair said...

Generally speaking, my exams are always easier than the HW - the real work is the HW, the exam is just to see if you were really doing it or not. So, definitely not on that level.

Added to that, during the spring semester, things are harder because there is more time to work on HW. That means the Spring 08 HW is even harder than what I'd ask during the summer, which is already harder than what I'd ask on an exam.

So, long story short, much easier than the Spring 08 HW, so if you can understand those, you'll be in fine shape most likely.

Anonymous said...

For number 1 on sum 08 final, the distance from his face to the hubcap is 15.6 cm but couldnt it also be 8.2 cm if you plug it in to the equation for the convex side of the hubcap?

Anonymous said...

Can you give us some ideas of the types of problems we'll see regarding reflection/refraction? Or steer us where to look. I keep encountering atomic related problems, as well as mirror and lens problems, but the reflection/refraction problems seem to be scarce.

Anonymous said...

Following my last comment, the only reflection/refraction problem I know to study is our #1 from the HW--the swimming pool problem-and that was very, i'm curious how it will more likely be presented to us.

pleclair said...

That's because there are almost no different reflection and refraction problems. It will either be apparent depth, find the angle a beam is refracted by when entering a new substance, find the critical angle for total internal reflection, or figure out where a beam bounces to after hitting a mirror. There will be a few more in the exam answers I will post, but if you can do the example problems in your text, you will be fine for these problems.

pleclair said...

Hubcap question - look at the spring 08 final I just posted, I solved the very same problem. You have to assume that the distance to the hubcap is constant, and it is simply rotated on an axis running through its center - i.e., just assume the distance is the same in either case, since it doesn't say otherwise.